The only way you can avoid or steer clear of conflicts, schisms and rifts in any love relationship is to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts responsibly, overlook some wrongs, correct in love and reunite to work at building your relationship so it stays out of the statistics figure for relationships that breakup today.
Challenges must surely feature and you will definitely experience seasons of misunderstanding in your love relationship no matter how deep your affections are, how well suited to one another you appear or how much of ‘I Love You’ you constantly verbalise to your lover’s hearing frequently.
There is no relationship that is devoid of conflicts, what you experience is one in which the partners or lovers involved have learned and mastered how to responsively handle and responsibly resolve conflicts, issues, challenges, disappointments and fallouts.
Quickly, how do you begin all over again so you can be on your way to building and enjoying your relationship once you make up with your Ex successfully?
1. Research and understand what a love relationship with the opposite sex is all about. Surprisingly, there are codes and rules, challenges to overcome and benefits to enjoy.
2. Understand your unique personality and that of your partner, ex, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse and work at complementing each other’s efforts from now on.
3. Make out time to share and discuss together what your expectations are over your love relationship and team up to achieve your agreed goals and objectives.
4. Improve on yourself as a partner or lover and make conscious, positive, creative contributions and wise investments in moving your relationship forward.
5. Always remember that a love relationship is an equal partnership and joint responsibility arena where you must apply yourself and give your utmost best to make it function, serve its purpose and help the two of you enjoy this new phase of life with all its benefits.
Remember that you cannot shy away from some responsibilities that being in a love relationship with the opposite sex exposes you to, the reason you will have to embrace committed work, selfless service, conscious and wise investments, understanding your spouse, lover, ex, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner’s unique personality and even yours too so that you can begin to complement one another’s efforts starting from today.